Just a small place on the web for some of my writing, thoughts, and ideas, that don’t otherwise fit into all of the other venues available to me. This time I think it is worth starting with a blank slate so I’ve archived past posts. Partly because re-reading the juvenalia of older writing is a mistake when you’re revamping a site, but also because my interests have changed over the years and I want to concentrate on all new essay about my current interests.

This is probably, as far as I can recall, perhaps the fourth or fifth iteration of “Strange Aeons”, having been variously hosted on servers available to me at the university of Dundee, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh Napier. It’s gone through various software support incarnations as well. Starting off as a WordPress blog, moving to hand-coded HTML for a while, and now, making the most of Hugo for that balance of static performance and scripted/automated/managed goodness.